events | (torna) b same

Il corometraggio (torna) b same di Antonio Valenti presente a Visionaria 2007.

'(torna) b same' di Antonio Valenti

(torna) b same - (come back) b same
by Antonio Valenti (Italy, 2006)

“Bésame, b same, to be the same. In the privacy of the matter, whether polymeric or plastic, the dramatic conflict among the three positions of reward (she), defeat (he) and supremacy (the other) interact with the common factor of fiction. The investigation of the roles reveals that the diversity is more apparent than real. Beyond the disparity’s illusion, countless mouths are opening all saying the same word, though in many disparate inflections: countless ways to sing the same song”. This is the message conveyed by a short film entitled “b same” that causes sudden turmoil among the masses: in its perspective, disparity – reduced to a sterile illusion – has a merely conceptual value. Its dangerous power to stimulate the free will, induces the Establishment to consider the picture subversive of social stability and, in an act of precautionary censorship, to withdraw it from movie theatres. With this growing controversy, the young director of “b same”, maybe concerned for his own safety, disappears without a trace. Following the results of the inquiry set up on the outrageous context, the Establishment seems at last to absolve the work – describing its content as harmless since inconclusive – and gets to work to find its author.

“(come back) b same”